Eavesdrop as Dawn Lemanne, MD, and Deborah Gordon, MD discuss their difficult cases and the hard decisions they make behind the closed door of the exam room, when the textbooks and research protocols fall short. They also share with each other which longevity protocols, hormones, mTOR inhibitors, senolytics, extreme diets and fasting, hormesis, cancer prevention, and dementia reversal protocols they prescribe, and which ones they quietly have tried for themselves.
Anything else you want to hear about? Write to us!
Dr Gordon: info@drdeborahmd.com
Dr Lemanne: newsletter@oregonio.com
14. "Cutting to the bone"...WAY beyond the conventional wisdom on staying strong
In this episode, we talk about bone health--something that should be of interest to anyone over 50, long before it becomes a medical problem of concern. While Dr. Gordon has long relied on hormone replacement as a helpful tool in restoring lost bone density, she discusses today some of her recent learning about fine tuning the use of hormones and many other lifestyle choices. Bear with her pet peeves when it comes to standard of care, and pick up some tips you can incorporate into your own bone health routine. Perhaps even some you can share with your own physician!
Dawn Lemanne, MD
Oregon Integrative Oncology
Leave no stone unturned.
Deborah Gordon, MD
Northwest Wellness and Memory Center
Building Healthy Brains